Jessica Komlos, MD
Pediatrics Champion IncepTestBank/Blueprint
Dr. Jessica Komlos is a dedicated Pediatric Hospitalist with a passion for providing quality medical care to children. With an academic background, including a Medical Degree from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and completion of Pediatric Residency at Johns Hopkins Children's Center, she has built a career in pediatric medicine. Throughout her career, Dr. Komlos has held various positions as a Pediatric Hospitalist. She has extensive experience in pediatric inpatient care, emergency room care, and neonatal care. Dr. Komlos has a deep love for learning and studying, which is why she finds great fulfillment in her role as a Pediatric Champion at IncepTestBank. As a medical content editor for a board prep company, she enjoys utilizing her expertise to author questions and help students, residents and practicing physicians prepare for their board exams. This passion for continuous learning and education adds another dimension to her professional career, allowing her to contribute to medical education in a meaningful way. In addition to her role as Pediatric Champion at IncepTestBank, Dr. Komlos is actively involved in medical education as a Clinical Associate Professor at Temple Lewis Katz School of Medicine and as the Inpatient Pediatric Sub-Internship Course Director. Outside of her professional endeavors, Dr. Komlos finds joy in spending time with her family and watching her children play sports. She values fitness and enjoys activities such as running, swimming and gardening to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. These hobbies reflect her well-rounded approach to life, balancing her passion for pediatric medicine with the enjoyment of family time and personal interests.
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